Friday, January 20, 2012

How does a bankruptcy effect getting in the military?

I want to re-enlist in the military and well my credit is bad mostly medical, and I want to file for bankruptcy and then finish college to become an officer will this effect me becoming an officer in any of the military Branch's?How does a bankruptcy effect getting in the military?Filing bankruptcy does NOT always keeps you from getting a clearance. And it's defiantly NOT an automatic DQ for getting a clearance. They look at more than just your finances.

Talk to a recruiter..... They will be your BEST option for information on what will and won't keep you from getting into the Military.

We have filed bankrupcy and my husband has a clearance, infact he "renewed" (they re did the WHOLE investigation because it was time for it) about 2 months AFTER we filed and it was granted so it's obviously not an automatic DQ. .How does a bankruptcy effect getting in the military?
Bankruptcy will not stop you from getting into the military. As others have stated, it may cause some concerns when getting clearance above secret. Its important that you disclose everything when filling out your clarence paperwork, if they find the bankruptcy and you didnt disclose the info it will result in your clearance being denied and unwanted negative attention.

Bottom line answer for you is no. A clarence is something seperate that alot of people never even get once in the military. Just ask any recruiter.

I'm wondering why you wouldn't have tri-care, I'm guessing your a reserve troop? I would not go advertising your financial troubles during the review board unless asked. Your human and medical expenses are a leading cause of the big B.

Good luck on your commission.How does a bankruptcy effect getting in the military?This will be a big problem. First you have to look at what caused the medical issue and if it can be waived for the commissioning physical. This is more rigorous than your basic MEPS physical. Second is your secret clearance. If you file for a bankruptcy you will not get your secret clearance. Even if you had one in the past the bankruptcy will DQ it. This is required for any commission.How does a bankruptcy effect getting in the military?
Unless you committed an act of fraud, your bankruptcy will not many case, bankruptcy improves your security status over someone with massive, unpayable debt.

One can easily bribe or blackmail a person with heavy debt...not so a bankrupt.

The people who give thumbs down on this are clueless.How does a bankruptcy effect getting in the military?You might have issues getting a clearance. The military frowns on poor financial skills.

If you get in at least show you are making payments or have some kind of plan on how you plan to take care of it.How does a bankruptcy effect getting in the military?
I doubt that it will be a problem.

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