Monday, January 23, 2012

Where can I find information on employee rights in the military?

I know that you sign your life away when you join the military, but I have seen some things that in the regular world that would against the federal law. Where can I find out what rights are given to active duty military members? It seems that everyone I ask tells me that they don't exist and you don't even own yourself until you get out. All I want to do is bring it up in discussion to the work place to make sure that our people are treated fairly and that there is no abuse of their people.Where can I find information on employee rights in the military?OSHA is rampant in the Army, so I figure that they are out in the rest of the branches as well. The aircraft will go thru several inspections before it is allowed to fly, so you can quit worrying about that issue.

If there is an issue with the unit, as you say there is, sooner or later it will come under review. What it sounds like to me is that the leadership of that unit is non-existent. This may sound biased, but I haven't seen much leadership in the USAF. They are too "buddy-buddy".

In the Army, they have the Inspector General (IG) that you can voice anonymous complaints to, so there should be something similar in the USAF.

Good luckWhere can I find information on employee rights in the military?
www.usmilitary.about.comWhere can I find information on employee rights in the military?Ask the administrative officer in the armed forces and they have the enumeration of all employee rights/benefits.Where can I find information on employee rights in the military?
I was in the Navy for 6 years, and let me tell you, lots of federal laws are broken...but the military isn't held to federal rights. Actually, if the military was held to federal rights, it wouldn't be the military. You cannot run an operation like that and give the "workers" standard rights. O's in Washington write the policies, they are debated at that level, and then passed down as orders. There are some basics such as health and safety...the military is pretty good at watching out for its own there. Once in a while you hear of a crazy drill sergeant or something, but mostly health aspects are fine.

It's actually not bad, and most enlisted folks don't have a whole lot to gripe over. Are you a civilian working in the DOD? I recommend just letting this go. The system does work.

If you want to see the rights of the enlisted, you might start at the base legal office. I'm sure they would be glad to help you, or point you in the right direction.

I never knew my rights, as most don't. We sign up, go get our hair chopped off, and work hard for a little money, and few complaints.Where can I find information on employee rights in the military?I agree with Just Hangin'; I was in the Marines for 5 years and as long as nobody dies or gets seriously hurt anything goes. From your question it sounds like you are a civilian, MY advice is let it go. These people know what they sign up for. We did have Osha inspections every once in a while but for the most part if we needed to get gear up a running we did whatever we had to short of blowing ourselves up. If you start a "discussion" it will end badly for the enlisteds. Trust me. They may not be able to do much to you but in the military your at the mercy of your superiors and if those superiors feel that someone has complained about working conditions they might be punished, indirectly of course.Where can I find information on employee rights in the military?
sadly enough its pretty true, the basic right civilians have are surrendered when you join the military. But if by some chance I am wrong please contact me and let me know, and yes there is room for abuse of basic rights and even human rights but our society couldn't handle knowing that goes on.
Thats a good one!

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