Monday, January 23, 2012

Was McCain ever investigated for violating the Military Code of Conduct?

It is not in dispute that McCain made propaganda movies for the enemy during wartime and that he offered up military information. McCain admits it.

Was any serious investigation of this ever made by the United States government or did McCain use family connections to escape accountability?

Can a lawsuit be brought to discover any of this information? If the answer is yes, then why hasn't it been done?

Are any Democratic groups planning on airing tapes of McCain's appearances for the enemy? That would be a good backdrop for questioning McCain's fitness to be Commander-in-Chief.Was McCain ever investigated for violating the Military Code of Conduct?Your premise is fraught with danger. Anyone ever active duty has considered the possibility of becoming a POW, and knows that to hold anyone accountable for actions under the duress of torture is lunacy. This strategy is a bust and if used, will tar those that use it as ignorant, grasping, and hateful. You will instantly lose the respect of those who have endured this form of cruelty, as well as any thinking person. McCain has plenty of other problems that people can harp on to good effect. His past POW status should not be exploited.Was McCain ever investigated for violating the Military Code of Conduct?
His father just barely got him out of a court martial for treason.

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Was McCain ever investigated for violating the Military Code of Conduct?Don't believe he was. There was this Colonel Hackworth that died in Mexico that didn't like McCain for some reason. Col. Hack was real gung ho too.

Like someone suggested, let bygones be bygones? Being in the Hanoi Hilton wasn't some picnic? Now if McCain keeps bringing up that POW story everyday, I'm sure the demo's will go after him?

I'm betting McCain's VP pick is Kay Bailey Hutchinson of Texas. John already has Texas locked, but Kay is a woman. Going to take a lot of shine off the Obama-Biden ticket? Lot of them Hillary folk might go repub.??

One other thing about John. He's pretty unlucky or accident prone? At least when it comes to million dollar jet fighters? He lost the one in Viet Nam. His jet started the largest non combative fire on a aircraft carrier in history, also. I believe he lost a trainer jet in the Nantucket Bay? I think he also lost a trainer in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas? Don't know if McCain still has his pilot's license, but I'd just let it expire?
Vietnam never attacked or even bothered the US, but Grumpy Old Trigger Finger McCain found a way to help drop bombs and agent orange on them. That's a republican hero for you. Now idiot McCain salivates while he sings, "Bomb, bomb, bomb, ... bomb, bomb Iran", for 100 years. Is that presidential?

McCain has never seen a war he didn't enjoy, no matter what role he played. He's the typical brainwashed to kill, kill, kill-anything-that-moves, American military. Good at blowing things up, people places and the economy, but lousy at fixing anything. The military couldn't be bothered with helping the New Orleans flood people. To the delight of the hillbillie republicans, the military were all too busy looking for Bush's cooked up WMD, a half a world away, at $10,000,000,000 per month. What's wrong with this picture?

Somebody should get McCain and McCheney a shootem up video game to vent their frustrations on, so they can stop killing small birds for fun, stop shooting lawyers in the face and stop blowing up people setting on OIL.

The main problem with McSame and McBush is they never found out that it's far better to make friends than enemies..Was McCain ever investigated for violating the Military Code of Conduct?It is always investigated after being a POW. In his book he discussed it, and the mental help he rec'd after. It is a bit of a grey area, granted.

Did his status help him walk away with no consequences while enlisted who did the same thing were raked over the coals? Yes. (There is a reason Vietnam vets are homeless, etc. at a higher rate then the general population of vets.)

Will the Dems bring it up, nope... probably not. They are not republicans.

There will be no Swift Boat bull from their side.Was McCain ever investigated for violating the Military Code of Conduct?
I guess the military thought that 10 FREAKING YEARS IN A VIET CONG PRISON was enough punishment for any crime. Do you know how many lives he saved by doing what he was told? He was the ranking officer there, when it come time for "interrogation" his name was at the top of the list.
He is a war Hero, what do you think, Einstein? No wonder Obama is losing this race, he has people like you supporting him. What a disservice, and an embarrassment to America. Democrat for John McCain 2008.Was McCain ever investigated for violating the Military Code of Conduct?
He violated military code of conduct by not returning to his unit the moment he was given freedom and instead decided to stay with the enemy for years more which was totally his call. He isn't fit to lead.
Mccain is down right fraud i am sure soon democrats will release tapes of his meetings with enemies and remember he recently said in an interview that he didn't love America
Please pursue this course of action, please! What better way of showing how high minded Democrats can be! This will certainly show the whole world just how nasty and evil those Republicans are! You are such a genius!

His father and grandfather were Admirals.

Case closed.

Silver spoon.
After several beatings, anyone would cooperate to a point.
No, but thanks for asking.

Now, get back under your bridge.
no, it was all covered up
Too many connections. If it were you or I back then we would have been sent to Leavenworth.
loads of bs...i think we should actually look into obama's past and figure out when he decided he was an american..perhaps we could oust him on that point...sounds kinda dumb to say such things doesnt it

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